For the East Coast, September is still the season for incoming Tropical Storms. As a state near the beach, it is impeccable that we must take precautions. Tropical storm Hermine hit the East Coast the first week in September, luckily just leaving us with heavy winds, rain and minor flooding. Fortunately, Tropical storm Hermine was able to shift its most damaging winds offshore - which would have caused severe flooding if it hit.
Since Hurricane Sandy hit CT in 2012, residents in CT especially along the shore are prepared for the worst again. Severe destruction happened that day, with homes near the coast completely destroyed and submerged by water. Emergency evacuations were called beforehand, as the water level rose to 13.88 feet above average low tide.
As Hurricane Sandy began as a minor tropical wave, it quickly changed from a tropical depression to a tropical storm. As its winds hit 74 mph, it became a hurricane. It only took 6 hours for Sandy became a hurricane from a tropical storm, leaving residents to worry about their safety with Tropical Storm Hermine. The underestimation of a storm’s strength is often when residents, especially along the coastline, are the most in danger.
Hurricane season officially ends on November 20th, which still gives the United States a lot to worry
about. Connecticut still has the chance to be affected by upcoming storms, damaging power lines, and knocking down trees over major roads. Storms like these pose a threat when trees fall on houses and major roadways, leaving residents left stranded until help can arrive. For upcoming disasters, Precision Cutting Services provides Emergency Tree Removal to ensure residents safety of the aftermath of any Tropical Storm. We give residents the peace of mind in case a storm happens, so they can enjoy further enjoy summer knowing we’re there at their side.